Here at TOI TOI & DIXI, we are in the business of developing portable infrastructure and service solutions in the interests of creating efficient and hygienic environments and spaces. We deploy our mobile hygiene solutions and concepts wherever they are needed, providing a level of convenience normally only found in permanent buildings. And we attach great importance to conducting our business in a way that conserves resources and protects the environment. We strive to lead the way on sustainability. By constantly improving our products and services, by reducing the environmental impacts of our activities, and by providing a respectful and safe work environment for our employees, we are making an active contribution to sustainable development. We have come a long way in these areas since establishing a sustainability management system in 2022, and we are now documenting this progress in our sustainability report.

Our sustainability strategy rests on three pillars: “Products & Services,” “Environment,” and “Employees.” Each of these strategic pillars is structured into action areas. This structure allows us to manage our sustainability activities systematically and with a long-term perspective. It also lends transparency to the progress updates that we provide for our stakeholders.


Download the current sustainability report here:

Products & Services

Products & Services

Our aspiration with our products and services is to provide innovative solutions that meet the needs of both our customers and sustainability. In terms of the needs of our customers, we are ensuring the highest possible levels of hygiene by successively increasing the number of portable toilets in our portfolio that have wash basins and sanitizer dispensers. Our commitment to superior hygiene is also evident from our new TOI® HYGIENE+ range, in which key components are made using an innovative antimicrobial material. And on the sustainability side of this equation, we are investing in product longevity, energy efficiency, and the use of environmentally friendly materials. One of the key ways in which we are doing this is by increasing the percentage of recycled material in our products. Our DIXI® GREEN toilet units are a prime example of this, comprising a minimum of 50% recycled plastic among which a large portion consists of old fishing gear.

87,6%* wash basins

87,6%* of all newly produced toilet cabins contain wash basins

50% recycled raw material

The total amount of raw materials from recycled resources in the making of toilet cabins shall be at 50% by 2025. Among other materials, old fishing gear is being used for that.

“Doubly sustainable”

“It’s great that our doubly sustainable DIXI® GREEN units are such a hit with our customers! I say ‘doubly sustainable’ because they protect the environment by virtue both of their long service life and the recycled material that goes into them.”

Facts & Figures
  • 12.668.605 Services per year
  • Toilets 425.943 Toilet Cabins
  • Tiempo de Vida > 20 years Service life
  • Sostenibilidad



Protecting the environment is something we take very seriously, and we are actively taking steps to reduce emissions and avoid pollution. For example, we are successively transitioning our fleet of service vehicles to alternative drive technologies because this is currently the biggest lever, we have for lowering our CO2 emissions. We are also serious about being efficient and respectful in the use of our planet’s natural resources. This has led us to standardize and optimize our processes and services in order to reduce our use of water and chemicals to a minimum. Our ongoing research into process improvement means that we are steadily reducing our environmental footprint.

“Never generated as little CO2”

“In all my years as a TTD service driver, I’ve never generated as little CO2 from my service runs as I do now. We’ve definitely shifted up a gear or two in our commitment to sustainability.”

50% service vehicles with alternative drives

50% of all new service vehicles shall be equipped with alternative drives by 2028

Energy demand of 56 households

56 households could meet their annual electricity needs with the 5 photovoltaic plants operated by the TOI TOI & DIXI Group in Poland.

Facts & Figures
  • Servicios año 78. millions vehicle km
  • 36.672 metric tons CO2**
  • 126.943 m³ FRESH WATER*
  • Sostenibilidad



We have a particular duty of responsibility to our employees – if for no other reason than that the TOI TOI & DIXI Group would not be the success it is today without them, without their labor and their commitment and motivation. This responsibility includes providing a safe work environment – an area in which reducing the accident rate is our top priority. We are minimizing the risks to our people through consistent and uncompromising health and safety management. We also attach great importance to expanding and improving our in-house training offering. This is because ongoing training and professional development is the key to enabling our employees to constantly expand their knowledge and expertise. We are investing in their continuing professional development so that they can keep their skills up to date and progress in their careers. Alongside this, we are actively creating a corporate culture built on openness, diversity, and mutual respect. This requires dialogue, and one of the most important ways in which we facilitate this is through regular employee satisfaction surveys.

“Open, respectful and constructive”

“What’s the secret to our repeated success in driving innovation? The fact that we work in diverse teams and are always open, respectful and constructive in our dealings with one another.”

“Far beyond the usual”

“The training that I provide turns staff into full-fledged occupational safety officers – it goes far beyond the usual occupational health and safety precautions. That makes our organization safer, across all companies in the group.”

3,242 Employees**

In the five highest-revenue countries alone, 3,242 employees** are deployed for the TOI TOI & DIXI Group, with our service drivers accounting for nearly 70% of that total.

Facts & Figures
  • 5,320 EMPLOYEES
  • 41,2 YEARS Ø-AGE*
  • Sostenibilidad

Download the current sustainability report here:

*In/for the five highest-turnover countries of the TTD Group
**Total from the real data of the Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions of the five countries with the highest turnover in the TTD Group.

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